Richland CERT

Richland CERT
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Thursday, February 17, 2011


Recognize the Symptoms and Signs of Shock
User-Submitted Article
While the term shock has many different definitions, medically speaking shock refers to a condition in which the body's cardiovascular system collapses and fails to keep an adequate supply of blood to the body's tissues and organs. This condition stuns and weakens the body and when normal blood flow is interrupted death can occur. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of shock and getting medical aid as quickly as possible may save yours or someone else's life.


Things You'll Need:

  • Awareness of the causes of Shock
  • Awareness of the signs and symptoms of Shock
Be on the look out for conditions and injuries which may cause shock to set in.
• Dehydration
• Allergic reaction to food, drugs, insect stings, and bites
• The reaction to the sight of blood and or another traumatic scene
• Significant blood loss
• Head wounds/injuries
• Crash injuries
• Traumatic injuries : Gunshots, penetrating wounds (stabbing ect.) and burns
• Blows to the body as it may cause broken bones, or internal injuries
In any of these situations it is very important to be aware of the possibility as well as the signs and symptoms of shock. Many of the causes of shock are not necessarily life threatening, but once shock sets in the danger of death is very real.
  1. Keep an eye on the person at risk for shock while you wait for medical treatment or while in the process of administering first aid. It is important to monitor them for shock signs and symptoms.
  2. If medical treatment does not seem necessary continue to monitor the person for signs and symptoms of shock as this condition all by itself (set off by a traumatic sight) requires first aid and immediate medical attention.
  3. Check the person regularly for clammy skin. This is simply a term for skin that is cool but sweaty. Keep an eye out for very pale skin. In dark skinned individuals the paleness may instead show up as a grayish look to the skin.
  4. Check the person's pulse frequently. A weak but rapid pulse is a symptom of shock. A rapid breathing rate may also be present.

  1. Be aware and keep a look out for physical signs and symptoms of shock. These include: nervousness, thirst, restlessness, nausea or vomiting, and or a continued loss of blood if the person is bleeding.

  1. Watch for psychological signs and symptoms of shock, which include dizziness, confusion, and or a loss of awareness. To check for this simply ask a few easy questions, such as "What is your phone number?", "Where do you live?" and "What is your friend's/mother's/brother's (ect.) name?"

  1. In any circumstances when the signs and symptoms of shock are present it is very important that medical help be contacted immediately and whenever possible first aid should begin being administered while you wait for medical help to arrive.

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